Complete the contact form to arrange a consultation

Before you start our courses we conduct a short telephone assessment in order to establish your level (with reference to the Common European Framework). We discuss your needs and language objectives so that we can create a customised learning plan.

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Consultation is important so you enrol in the most appropriate course, at a suitable level. We can then recommend a realistic course duration to achieve your goals.

IELTS classes in Hong Kong

Supplementary Classes

Language Development or IELTS Exam Preparation?

BEHK's IELTS courses have a different structure depending on your current level and whether you choose the General Training or Academic Module of the IELTS assessment.

Start an IELTS course at the right level

All students take a Placement Test when they start a course.  This indicates your current English ability under IELTS exam conditions.

Learners who score below IELTS grade 6 are recommended to take a language development course before taking an IELTS exam preparation course.


Custom designed IELTS study plan

After finding out your current level you can then arrange a study plan/schedule to suit your lifestyle and your target level.  For more information please call us or complete the course enquiry form on the right.